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Found 22499 results for any of the keywords industrial development corporation. Time 0.009 seconds.
News Publications - IDCIndustrial Development Corporation of South Africa (the “Issuer,”, the “Corporation”, or “IDC”) commissioned ISS-Corporate to assist with its Sustainable Bonds by assessing three core elements to determine the sustainab
Welcome to IDC - IDCThe Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC) is a national development finance institution set up to promote economic growth and industrial development.
Bond Issuance | IDCClick here to find out more about the Industrial Development Corporation s Domestic Medium Term Note Programme and Applicable Pricing Supplements.
Board Executive Team | IDCTake a look at all the members of the Industrial Development Corporation Board as well as all the members of the Executive Team.
Our Regions - IDCThe Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) actively promotes investment across all provinces in South Africa. With a keen interest in developing and growing regional economies, the corporation has offices in all nine p
The Industrial Development s Centre for Corporate Governance | IDCThe Industrial Development Corporation s Centre for Corporate Governance aims to advance understanding and practice of corporate governance.
Sustainable Industrial Development - IDCThe Industrial Development Corporation s response to climate change goes beyond its role in the Just Energy Transition.
Tenders | IDCWe seek to provide an effective and efficient procurement service to the IDC and its stakeholders through procurement best practices.
Mahindra Lifespaces - WikipediaMLDL is one of the founding members of the Sustainable Housing Leadership Consortium (SHLC), a private sector-led consortium founded in 2016. 41
Partners and Resources - NCICStrengthening Communities and Creating Business Opportunities
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